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Planet X Studios is located in a discrete location with direct street level access, perfect for celebrity clientele.
The studios are sophisticated and comfortable, equipped with high end furnishings and all the equipment on-site you need to make your next production a success.

4k LED WALL Studio
1300 sq. ft.
Cutting-edge LED Volume- including a 27ft x 10 ft smoothly curved 4K LED Wall, and 12ft x 12ft LED Ceiling - both 1.9mm pitch LEDs
LED Volume can be used for real-time Unreal Engine 5.1 virtual production or display any type of video content via in-house Resolume Arena servers
In-house Unreal Engine workstations running Pixotope and Stypeland XR
Pre-configured for real-time camera tracking using Stype Red Spy integrated with Unreal Engine
Motorized Stype HumanCrane automated crane with RED Komodo Dragon 6K camera pre-mounted, as well as 4k remote monitoring

3-Wall Green Cyc STUDIO
1200 sq. ft.
3-wall cyc wall – 27 ft. wide with 16 ft. sides and 13 ft. tall
Pre-configured for real-time camera tracking using Stype Red Spy integrated with Unreal Engine
In-house Unreal Engine workstations running Pixotope and Stype Greenkiller
Pre-configured for real-time camera tracking using Stype Red Spy integrated with Unreal Engine
Motorized automated crane with RED Komodo Dragon 6K camera pre-mounted, as well as 4k remote monitoring
Attached 200 sq. ft. control room / editing suite & lounge configured for live-streamed broadcasts
Normally painted chromakey green, but can be painted other colors upon request (fee applies)
Cyc wall lit with 9 pre-hung RGBWA DMX controlled wash lights, as well as assorted lights including ARRI Skypanels and full color spotlights
Full ceiling mounted lighting grid with power throughout

Attached bathrooms, spacious changing & makeup room with two dedicated makeup stations
Street level access and private walled courtyard, convenient load-in/out
Available DJ Booth and High End Sound System, Professional mics and audio mixing console, WiFi, Full-Control of AC & Heating
Extensive selection of on-site camera, lighting, audio, and grip equipment available for rent